I bought my airline ticket on April 8, 2016.  I would go from Fresno to Portland, OR and from Portland, OR to Amsterdam (Schipol).  I packed a variety of clothes.  I didn’t know what the weather would bring.

On 21st, we arrived at Schipol airport about 1/2 hr early (8:30 a.m.).  I did not see Peter anywhere and the airport had changed a LOT.  The last time I had seen it was in 2003.  Part of it looked like a shopping mall and part of it looked like a train station.

It took me 7 hours to meet up with Peter that day.  I did not know where he was and he did not know where I was.  It took me three hours (from when I arrived) to know I could get free Internet connection from Schipol (while I was in the airport).  I began to receive messages from him but still didn’t really understand them.

By the late afternoon (2:30 p.m.) I was outside and crying a little.  I came back inside the airport and sent Peter another Facebook message.  Not 5 minutes later I heard my name on the Intercom to go to the Information booth.  After I did so, 10 minutes later, I saw Peter coming to get me.

After 13 years, it was a very good meeting.  It was also good to see Truus that evening once Peter got me home to #19 (which I remembered) in Lisse, the Netherlands.

After getting situated in my old room, having dinner and sitting with them in the living room, I let them know that I wanted to go to the Keukenhof (the flower garden that is nearby to Lisse) the next day.  I also wanted to walk home from there.  Peter printed up a map for me so I would know the way home.  We had a good conversation that evening.

The next day, Friday, after I packed a small lunch, Peter drove me near to the entrance of the Keukenhof.  I got out, thanked him, said goodbye and walked off into the cold and wind (but NO rain!).  I paid the entrance fee and got a small map and walked inside.  It was beautiful.

I walked a LOT that day.  There are a lot of paths through the natural woods.  I was taking photos left and right.  Asked one man to take a photo of me in among the tulips and then got the idea to take selfies with my iPhone sitting by the tulips.  That was fun.  There was also a room with orchids — Beautiful.

I had lunch on a bench sitting in the cloudy sun among the world’s most beautiful flower garden.  Then I continued walking and taking photos until I just couldn’t take anymore photos.  Plus, my camera kept eating up batteries.  I had to purchase batteries there at the Keukenhof.

After about 3 1/2 hours  of taking photos and walking around the Keukenhof, I began to walk home using Peter’s map.  I used it a little.  I walked back to what I used to call the Poelpolder (i don’t know what it’s now called) and then walked toward the Centrum (about 1 mile ??) away — away from Peter & Truus’ home.  At the Centrum i hoped to find a bank filled with people.

At the Centrum, there was not a bank there was just an Automaat (to get $ out of using a debit/credit card).  I was hungry after all the walking so I went to a bakery (bakerij) and bought a piece (stuk) of dutch apple pie (appeltaart — a Dutch apple pie made in a spring form pan).  I then sat on a bench on the outside of the Centrum and ate it without a fork — a very un-Dutch thing to do!  Gave me the energy to walk the 1 1/2 mile home though.

Showed Peter the photos on my digital camera and also on my iPhone.  He then got me connected to the Internet on my iPhone.  Took some work, but we got it done.  He also got me connected to WhatsApp and was quite pleased when it took that he tested it.

Saturday, the 23rd  I woke up with a migraine.  Came down early, had breakfast (ontbijt) but then told Peter and Truus that i needed to back upstairs to lay down and get rid of the migraine. I laid back down, slept and got up at 12:45 p.m.  Truus was walking to the Poelpolder to the Supermarket, Jumbo, and I wanted to get more Euros, so I walked with her (& Sasha) instead of going to the flower parade (Bloem Corso).

Truus and I walked through a park instead of along the street.  It was a nice direction to walk.  When we got to the Poelpolder shops, I used my American PIN at the Automaat to get Euros.  I got my Euros so my PIN worked here in the Netherlands!  Then I felt I needed to add $ to my chip card.

A chip card looks like a credit card.  It is used on all sorts of transportation in the Netherlands (buses, trams & trains).  There is a bar code on the back of the card and you must scan the card before you get on the specific transportation you need to use and then once you get off the transportation as well.  If you don’t scan it once you get off, the card keeps getting used and your money goes up into thin air — POOF!

Anyway, I didn’t have a PIN for the chip card so Truus added $ to my chip card using her PIN so I paid her back.  I had her add $20 Euros to my chip card.  Peter had originally given me the chip card with $10 euros on it.

Sunday, the 24th it was cold in the a.m. 42 F.  Peter, Truus and I  walked about 3 minutes to their church (held in a rented school house building).  Jaap, who I knew in 1982/1983 saw me and came to say hello (hoi).  He is now the Pastor of the church.

Maureen (who is Peter & Truus daughter) also came in to church and gave me a big/hard hug.  She now works as a hospice nurse.  She wanted to know what I was doing for dinner that evening.  Chinese with her folks, i said.  She would come over as well with her family.  Eating together sounded good to both of us!

That afternoon,  after church, I borrowed Peter’s bicycle (fiets).  I went to see some of the bulb fields.  I took some photos and also a selfie.  It was windy and cold.  I did bicycle along one or two roads I had never been on so that was interesting for me.

Maureen and her husband, Jean-Marc, came over for Chinese that evening.  Maureen and I took selfies on the couch and Truus joined us — FUN!  Dinner was very good and conversation with everyone was good too.  Maureen wanted to take me out to dinner the next evening so I planned to be home from Haarlem at about 2:30 p.m. or so.

Monday, the 25th after breakfast (ontbijt) Truus walked me to the nearest bus stop (bushalte).  It is located just directly north (???) of them.  Truus asked a strange girl to show me how to use the chip card and how to scan it when then bus came.  Truus and Sasha then left (Sasha was trembling in the cold wind).

The bus finally came.  To scan the card was easy enough and I saw enough people scanning it when they left that I got the hint of how it would work in Haarlem.  Things did and didn’t look familiar on the bus ride to Haarlem.  I did remember seeing Linnaueshof (a play park for people during the summer months)– I used to want to go there!  Funny how things change over the years.

In Haarlem it was cold and windy.  Rain was spitting.  I did duck into a tourist shop and buy a LOT of magnets.  When I got to the Centrum there was a small fair (kermis).  I did take a photo of one old building near the church.  Walked around the streets, nearly got lost.

As I walked around, it began to rain quite a bit.  I found a Mc Donald’s on a main shopping street so I went in, bought a coffee and sat awhile using their free Wi-Fi (the Dutch call it Wee-Fee).  There was a pigeon walking around in there–which surpised me.  The rain continued to come down so I continued walking back toward the Centrum.

I came again to the Centrum and found the VVV (Tourist Information).  The Frans Hals Museum (which I had been walking toward but instead turned around and came back) was closed (dicht) because it was a Monday.  But, the church (kerk) in the Centrum was open for a small fee.  I went to the church and went in.  It wasn’t that warm but it was dry.  Bought a touristy scarf (with tulips on it) in the church’s gift shop.

Cane down the streets and found a lunch cafe — Jettie’s Cafe.  Stopped and had a long lunch since it was raining so much.  Eventually came back to the Central Train station where the buses were stopped.  My bus 51 was 4 minutes (it was pouring rain) so I ran to buy some flowers for Peter & Truus birthday (verjaardag) this coming week.  By the time I had paid, my bus had come.

Came home, signed  the birthday cards I’d brought from America and brought down the flowers (bloemen) and cards.  They took them with a kiss for me and had brought me a gift (cadeau) as well — a Dutch vase — and three long-stemmed tulips (tulpen).

Maureen came that evening and we took off.  I had told Maureen that I wanted to eat pannekoeken (Dutch pancakes — a kind of big thick crepe).  She had found a Dutch pancake house that was open on Mondays.  On the menu I finally chose a mushroom, leek, ham and cheese (champignon, prei, ham & kaas) pannekoek.  It was delicious.  It was so big that I couldn’t finish it all.  I had to take what I couldn’t eat home.

Maureen and I had a very good conversation over dinner.  After we left, she drove me by some bulb fields and we took some selfies and photos of one another.  Then she drove the round-about way home and we saw some more bulb fields (she said she was lost at one point) but she finally knew where she was (near Sassenheim) and we got back to her parents’ home.  Just being with her was fun!

Tuesday, the 26th, I woke up and after breakfast I had brought my suitcase and everything downstairs.  I thought I had been charging my iPhone but I hadn’t.  So my iPhone wasn’t charged as much as I thought it was.  Not good.

Before I left, I took took photos of Peter, Sasha & Truus.  This time, Peter walked me to the bus stop (bushalte).  He pulled my suitcase.  He waited awhile and we chatted but I didn’t know if he wanted to wait the entire time so I said he could go and we could do “WhatsApp” later.  He decided to say ‘Goodbye’ then.  We also hugged.

I caught bus #361 to Schipol.  I tried to take a taxi to Bastion A’dam Hotel but was told to go down to #9 area (there were signs and there was a sign for #9 way down the street) so I began to walk down there.

When I got to #9 area, a sign said Bastion A’dam Hotel.  I didn’t know if the shuttle would come automatically or if I needed to call the Hotel to tell them to pick me up.  Zo, I went inside and tried to call Bastion on a phone with a coin.  No go.  I bought a voucher card from a kiosk.  That didn’t work (the ph# wasn’t good).

I finally went to “Airport Information”.  They said the Bastion shuttle comes twice in an hour no matter what.  Zo, I went outside to wait.  Before I went outside the doors, I could see the weather had changed.  I could see it was sleeting, the wind was slanting the sleet and the sleet was coming down hard.  There was an overhang and bench by #9 where the Bastion shuttle was to come so I ran outside and sat down on the bench.  It was cold and I could see my breath.  Thankfully, within 5-10 minutes the shuttle arrived.

When I got to the right Hotel I showed the woman my reservation.  She looked at the computer and the reservation a little strange.  I told her my VISA credit card had been compromised just before I had left.  She said I didn’t have a reservation at all but I could make a reservation on one of their computers in the lobby.

Which I did.  Thankfully, the prices had dropped between when I had dried to originally book (116 euros) and now (76 euros) so I got a better deal!  I book the entire time and when I was finished I was in the hotel’s system so I had a reservation.

I paid and got my ‘key card’.  I went up to the 3rd floor using the key card in the elevator, on a door accessing the hall of my floor and also my door.

However, there was no electricity in the room, save one lamp on my night stand.  There was temperature control and I could change that.  But no lights came on in the bathroom, the television, the hotpot would not come on, etc.

When I came downstairs to ask about my bathroom lights (in specific) the same woman who checked me in was still there.  In answer to my question, she told me to wave my key card under the hot water spigot (I did not understand this — it did not make sense to me). But, when I came back upstairs,  I tried to do this and, understandingly, it did not help.

Finally, I came back down a second time (frustrated that the television did not come on) and found a different concierge and told her about my non-working television.  She asked me if I had any electricity.  I said I didn’t.  She told me to the left of my door was a box with a slot in it (I had seen this and wondered what it was) and that I should put my key card in that slot and that would give me electricity for the entire room.

I went back up to my room and after a couple of tries of putting the key card in and taking it out again, I left the key card (realizing I needed to leave the key card in) in the slot the entire time.

Zo, I finally had electricity in the room.  The hotpot boiled water for the envelopes of latte, cappuccino, coffee or tea.  And I was a happy camper with electricity in the bathroom and the television (30 or so channels).

The charger I had brought with me from America is not charging my iPhone.  I had been charging my iPhone at Peter & Truus’ on Peter’s Dutch USB charger the whole time.  I had thought my USB charger had helped, but it hadn’t.  Now my iPhone isn’t charging at all and is losing power daily.  It’s down to 15% power and and I can’t get Internet connection through the Hotel because my power on the iPhone is so low.

Had dinner the fist night at the hotel.  A meat dish with a covered pot of small potatoes (kleine aardappletjes) and a tiny tiny pitcher of gravy (jus).  Little bit expensive though (klein bitte duur).

I went to Mc Donald’s to get Internet connection and cannot get it there either.  There is an automatic ordering system at Mc Donald’s.  You order whatever you want at an electronic board by the front door.  You can pay via Debit or Credit Card.  If you want to pay cash, I guess, you can order there too and just pay cash up front when your order # comes up.

Wednesday, 27th, was King’s Day (Konigsdag).  I got the shuttle after breakfast (ontbijt) and went off to Schipol and then took the train to Schipol.  Most stores are closed for this day.  It is the Kings B-day (Verjaardag).  Most people I see on the streets are wearing orange (House of Orange) in some capacity — wigs, t-shirts, leis, hats, etc.  It’s a good day to watch people!

I finally bought an orange t-shirt in a small shop.  I immediately put it on and felt like an “Amsterdammer!”  Authentic Netherlands (Echte Nederlands)!

People all over are standing in boats dancing and drinking and cruising through the canals and playing LOUD music.  I don’t know if they own or rent the boats but that’s what LOTS of people are doing this day.

On the Damrak, I bought, at a small Albert Heijn supermarket, 8 packs of stroopwafels, that are quite heavy.  I bought them at the beginning of my day and carried them all the way to Leideseplein and back to Central (Centraal) Station.

Singel Canal is no longer full of flowers as it used to be (like back in ’92).  They merely sell bulbs to plant, marijuana seeds, wooden tulips or more touristy items.  I wonder why things changed?  In a different neighborhood, I even passed a store that sold marijuana pops (they were green).

Didn’t stay long in A’dam today.  God back to the hotel around 2:30 p.m. and rested. Called Peter & Truus this evening and let them know that my iPhone has died.  I has 1% remaining power.  I don’t know if I need a new battery or what.  I will find an electronic store Thursday and buy a new Dutch USB charger.

Thursday, 28th, went to Schipol and found an Electronics Store near the Information booth.  Found a Dutch USB charger, which I bought.  Then I caught the train into A’dam and walked into the Jordaan district.  Walked all morning.  Saw in the late afternoon, the Anne Frank House (Huis) near the Westerkerk.  Got turned around but found myself righted again when I asked for clear directions.

Went into Blokker (it was raining at the time) — a very fun kitchen store– on Kalverstraaat (on way back to Central — Centraal), and bought a few things (it was raining quite hard by the time I came out of Blokker).  Then I walked through the Dam and went onto the Damrak (a wide street) and found a candy store and bought several kinds of black licorice.

Finally came back to Centraal, took the train back to Schipol and caught the shuttle back to the hotel where I tested out my new Dutch USB charger.  After about 5 minutes of being plugged in, my phone buzzed.  It had gone from 1% power to 3% power.  I rejoiced!

That was a big weight off my shoulders.  I didn’t need a new battery after all.  Zo I left my phone to charge for about 45 minutes and it was fully charged.  Then I had Internet connection through the hotel all the sudden. I could connect with Peter and Truus through WhatsApp, which I did immediately.

I also connected with Maureen through WhatsApp as well to let her know I was ok.  But that my phone had died.  She called back immediately and we talked for awhile.

Friday, 29th, when I went downstairs for breakfast, it was raining steadily outside.  I went out with the shuttle after all and went to Schipol and then to A’dam with the train.  Took selfies here and there with my iPhone now that it was working.

Walked to Leidesstraat while it rained.  Went to same SportsCafe I’d been at the day before.  While eating inside (an appel pannekoek), it hailed outside.  I was grateful that I was inside and not outside.

Went back to Singel Canal and bought a ball of cheese, at the Henry Willard cheese shop, for work — truffle cheese.  Hope they like it.

I had gotten in touch with ex-Trainee Arlene F. through WhatsApp.    She used to be Arlene Feensta.  Don’t know what her married name is.

Saturday, 30th, in the a.m. after breakfast, I spent some time watching television.  I also listened to a couple of my Pastor’s Wednesday night teachings through my churches website.


At 12:45 p.m. I went downstairs and there was Arlene.  She drove me to Aalsmeer (where she lives) and we had a good conversation on the way.  There she introduced me to Geerd (whose name I had difficulty pronouncing) and then we had coffee (koffie) and conversation.  Then we walked to Aalsmeer Centrum and climbed up a working grain windmill.  They grind flour.

Then we had a late lunch at an Italian restaurant and later walked to another working windmill — this one was a water mill which pumps water out of the polder into the canals which from there goes into the ocean.  It was all very interesting to see.  Weather was windy and cold but bearable.

Afterwards we came back to Geerd and Arlene’s home and we sat and looked over one another’s photos and talked for some time before I realied it was time for me to go back to the hotel.  Zo, Arlene drove me back to the hotel.  It had been a very good time together.  I was glad to have spent time with her and her husband.

Plans for Sunday are to go to Rijksmuseum with Maureen.  She will be picking me up about 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, 31st, I had breakfast and then I watched television for awhile.  There are a lot of WWII shows on because they are having something about the celebration of the end of WWII sometime soon.

Finally went downstairs about 10:15 a.m. and found Maureen in her car waiting for me. She drove to A’dam and after much trouble and illegal turning, etc. found the Rijksmuseum parking lot.  We bought tickets, went in and explored level zero way too much.  Had luch outside and then came back in and explored levels 1 & 2.  “Night Watch” is on level 2. There was something with ‘period dresses’ as well.  Interesting.

Afterwards we had an ice cream cone each since the weather was so sunny and hot.  It was very nice weather that day.  Took photos by “I AM AMSTERDAM” sign as well.

Monday, I packed, watched television, called Peter & Truus on WhatsApp (to say goodbye) and Maureen as well (sad)

Tuesday, I checked out early (vroeg) and left with the first 6 a.m. shuttle.  My flight leaves at 9:50 a.m. (i at first thought it left at 10:50 at that’s what I was looking for on the board), but I got there early enough.  Found the gate, etc.  Had to scan my passport in order to get a gate check-in paper.  Then I could go through the gate.

Then, what I found interesting was, with my suitcase still in hand, i went through a line and waited until I could get to the front and there was a bank of ‘docks’ to put your luggage.  I went to one of these and put my suitcase inside this contraption.  I scanned my passport and it asked me if my flight was correct.  I said ‘yes’.  It spit out a luggage tag.  It told me to put the luggage tag on my suitcase.  I did so.

It came back with a question of whether the tag was on the suitcase.  I pressed ‘yes’.  All the sudden a door came down and when the door came back up, my luggage was gone!  Then I scanned my passport again.  Again, it requested if my flights were ok and I said ‘yes’ and it spit out two boarding passes.

Then I was done and I had to go on through Security and Passport Control, etc before I could get to my gate.  That automatic luggage thing blrew me away!

There were two women administrating the whole thing so if you ran into trouble you could ask them for help, but otherwise it was all an electronic situation.  Interesting.

I got home to the Central Valley at 430 p.m.  Hot.  Sam, my cat, was still home wondering where I had been.  It was good to see him and fairly good to be home.














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